
Every year or so, I find myself revisiting “the blog” for several reasons. Usually, it’s because I’m looking for a new job. Or, I’ve had a wave of inspiration and swell of motivation. Or maybe, I’ve just felt like it again. I write a post or three, publish one, redesign my website, and when I feel it’s served its purpose, it (sadly) becomes irrelevant to me again. 

So today, on the 26th of March 2020, this blog gets reinstated as relevant. It gets pulled from the depths of the internet and to the top of my ever-growing, ever-optimistic to do list because my ability to check off the other boxes is on hold. 

This time, Hello Lennie was reborn on the first morning of a four-week, country-wide lockdown, as the world endures a pandemic. It was reborn to a mother who is unsure of what her new day-to-day looks like, how long this short-term life will be, or how normal her life will be when she returns to it.



Taken from the front door of my new home for the next four weeks.

But there are positives we can appreciate amongst this immense, daunting, unknown negative. Positives that people around the world are celebrating as we simultaneously mourn the negatives. For starters, to beat this microscopic enemy, the majority of us are staying home and saving lives. Making an active difference has never been so easy. Home offices have been arranged, treats have been stockpiled and invites have been sent out for virtual house parties. Our circles have shrunk and life has slowed down: Mother Earth finally gets the long overdue, well-deserved break she needs. Humans reconnect with disconnect, hold each other tighter by physically distancing. It’s time to see if our CVs speak the truth of us, as we realise how truly adaptable and dynamic we can be.

There’s ample time for hours of movies, seasons of television and hours to turn those saved recipes into edible dishes. For HL3.0, it probably means many written and unpublished posts, passing thoughts and to my delight (and possibly your despair), digging out a year’s worth of photos and videos and doing something about them.

HL3.0 has not been reborn to share stories of my life during a pandemic. It’s me, taking advantage of time that I always wished I had for a creative outlet. And not having any excuse but to utilise it.


  • made two dog leads

  • rebirthed the blog

  • rediscovered Ugly Delicious- Season 2 is out!

  • started learning Mandarin on Duolingo - 30 minutes a day

  • consumed 6 hot drinks

  • first home workout in the garagym

  • had breakfast and lunch made for me

  • group lunch over FB Messenger, Facetimed a friend

  • successfully avoided the supermarket and sent boyfriend instead

The question that’s asked at 10am, answered at 12pm…  “What’s for lunch?”

The question that’s asked at 10am, answered at 12pm…
“What’s for lunch?”

Attempting to make her my new best friend for the next 4 weeks… #morningswithmia

Attempting to make her my new best friend for the next 4 weeks… #morningswithmia




A weekend in the Wairarapa